Original price was: ₹2,680.00.Current price is: ₹1,699.00.

  • This contains Beta-Alanine that helps in reducing fatigue in the body.
  • L-Taurine reduces oxidative stress that helps in focussing better in workouts that increases stamina.
  • With organic caffeine as one of the major ingredients, mental focus is increased which enhances workout time.
  • Take half a scoop of RDX pre workout in 100 ml of water 20-25 minutes before starting your session.


Need energy during workouts? RDX pre workout is your best friend for those tough workout sessions. Get unparalleled energy during workouts and build stamina. Made with careful selection of ingredients, you gain mental focus, powerful pumps, great energy, and strength. Organic caffeine is important for the body and helps in increasing stamina and focus. We have selected unique and the most sought after ingredients so as to increase energy and improve your workout session. All the ingredients are FDA approved and are ISO certified so that you get only the premium products.

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